Monday, April 16, 2012

Been a little out of it...

Sorry, I have been a little out of the loop lately. As of last Wednesday I was elected Team Mom for my daughter's hockey team, or Team Manager as some call it. I think Team Mom suits be better, Team Manager sounds so offical. My husband and I have teamed up on this since he works closely with the coach and is a regular on the bench with him, and I am amongst all the other hockey moms and we all get along great. The worker bee I am I have been probably  going over and beyond my duties these last couple days, but have gotten a lot of positive feed back from the parents that they are so thankful that I am taking over. I have spent the last couple of days sending out emails, answering emails, and trying to be the clear commication between frustrated parents and coaches. I feel like I can do a good job. So, if they like me they will ask me to do it another season so we will see. So far I am liking it and feel like I am getting the team organized and on the right path. We have a great group of girls this season and I see full potential.
On another note, the sunny weather is back! It was so warm today, it was great! Baby E and I spent about an hour outside, must have tired her out because when we came back in she slept for over 2 hours! About an hour into her nap I decided to lay down too. I NEVER EVER nap, but to avoid the 4 o'clock crash I decided to just try and be preventative. I slept/rested for about and hour and felt great! No late afternoon crash, and no late afternoon coffee was needed. Hoping I can still get to sleep at a decent time tonight, I actually feel tired right now. That is a good sign.
Well, I am off to watch a little tv and try to get both my girls to sleep. Have a great night everyone!!! Some pictures of our last couple of days....
New Loospy Dolls, great for little hands!

Mama and her pretty girls!

Loves her Dora!

Yogurt Face!

A blankie and an empty juice

Just up from her nap....

Best Buds!
And two videos.....
 This one makes me lugh because she just discovered ketscup! Every bite of french fry has to be dipped!!!

This one is of her running around like a crazy kid lastnight!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Rain, rain go away...

I thought all the rain and cold weather was gone for good! Sadly, no. It has been cold and rainy here all week. I think me and the baby have been impacted the most. Everyday we go outside, whether it be down to the park, on a jog, or just playtime on our patio. All week we have been stuck inside. It hasn't rained all week but it is toooo cold to take baby out. The rain is for sure coming down today. I am not looking forward to being out in it in a couple of hours to drive to hockey practice. But, we have to keep our commitments, right?! Hoping after this cold and rainy storm blows through the sun will be out and send warm weather our way. Here is a reminder of the one warm day we had this week:
How big is she getting?!?!

Playing outside while eating strawberries for snack.

Got any more Mom?

See how nice it was at the beginning of the week! Please Mother Nature....warm us back up!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter, Family, and a Day of Relaxation.

Easter came and went and was actually a nice day. It started off by me waking up at 6:30 am, yes 6:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I was out of bed by 7 and had the coffee going soon after. I couldn't believe when I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs. She was just too excited about the Easter Bunny bringing her goodies! When she saw what he brought her she almost cried, yes cried. My oldest is a very emotional girl and cries, a lot.

She was so excited for those two DVD's! Miracle, and Soul Surfer! Both are great family movies, we watched both yesterday:) She really made out this year, ha, what am I talking about, she makes out EVERY year. The Easter Bunny always fills her basket to the brim. She has had the same basket since her first Easter! Not long after, Sissy was finally waking up and T couldn't wait to show her how to look through her basket.

She got fun stuff, no candy:( That Easter Bunny knows!! My husband finally came home, after a 96 hour shift at work. 96 hours is a long time for Daddy to be away from all his girls. T was anxiously waiting for him because I told her that they had to wait to do their Easter Egg Hunt until Daddy got home. He has to see them do something! When they heard the garage door open they got their baskets and were ready to go. 

After the hunt was over the girls went through their eggs and I got a minute to catch up with my man. Poor guy, when he got home he couldn't relax. When he is on the go for 96 hours straight it is sometimes hard for him to wind down. So I made him try to relax with the girls on the couch while I made breakfast. Eggs and ham for him and eggs and turkey sausage for baby and me. T never eats breakfast. My baby LOVES turkey sausage, and eggs dipped in ketchup. We ate breakfast and I did some picking up, we were having some family over for a little visit. I was super excited to see them, it has been awhile. It was my husband's sister, her husband and their daughter. The girls played nicely and we adults chatted and snacked on veggies and dip and cheese crackers and salami! Sadly, before we knew it it was time for them to head to their next visiting destination. It was a short but oh so sweet visit! Cory's Dad also stopped by to bring the girls Easter gifts, which they both loved:) 

The rest of the day was filled with getting into our jammies early, sitting on the couch and watching movies. If you have never seen the movie, Miracle, you need to watch it. A feel good, great ending, inspirational movie. Great to watch with your kiddos and teaches them the importance of perseverance and dedication. I mean what parent doesn't want their child to learn those things?!?!?!

Hope everyone else had a great Easter Sunday!! Have a great rest of the night Friends!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Traditions and Buying Organic

Yesterday couldn't have been any more perfect! The weather was beautiful, sunny and warm. We went down to my parents for a little Easter tradition. Which brings me to my first topic.

Growing up I don't remember having any holiday traditions. We didn't ever have big family get togethers, or every year for Thanksgiving went to the same family members house, etc. But one ting I remember ALWAYS doing, even when my sis and I got older was dying Easter Eggs. For some reason my mom always wanted us to do this. I believe that because if this I have now always done Easter Eggs with my daughter, now daughters:) Last year Em was too little to participate but this year she was more than willing to throw her eggs into the cup of colored liquid! So that is what we did today. We dyed eggs and also did a little Easter Egg Hunt in my parents backyard. T showed Em the ropes and before we knew it Em was finding them on her own and putting them into her goodie bag. It was fun watching the girls on the hunt together! They also got to open their Easter baskets from my parents. Both we full of goodies to the brim. The girls are the only grandchildren so needless to say they are both very spoiled by the grandparents. I'm perfectly ok with it, after all that is what grandparents are for, right?!?!?! My mom still, even after all these years gets an Easter basket full of stuff for me and my sister. This year it was a new jammie set and some Cadbury eggs, my favorite! Love new jammies as well, i am wearing them as we speak, or type for that matter.

 I hope that I can do this with my girls for as long as possible. Traditions I think are important, even if there is just one of them:) What traditions do you and your family have?

Now on to my other topic, organic foods and products.

Buying Organic:
I never though  I would be one of those people that really cared about organic stuff and thought, how different can organic products be anyway? For the first year of my baby's life I would only buy her organic baby food. It wasn't breaking the bank and so when I saw that I had the option to buy organic I did. I love Ella's Kitchen, and Plum baby food pouches! Anyways, as she got older and started eating more snacks I still was buying organic. I still do,  if I have the choice buy organic. Just yesterday I was at Henry's. I wish we had one close to our house, but there is one by my parents and so I always try to go there when I am down there. I spotted organic turkey meat. My baby loves turkey but her doctor said to stay away from regular turkey lunch meat due to the nitrates and high salt and other stuff. So when I came across this gem I snagged it up! It was expensive $6.99 for a half pound. I took it home and for a snack gave her some turkey and a couple chucks of string cheese. She gobbled it up! Crazy thing though, and kinda scary at the same time is on the package it says that you have to use all of the turkey within 4 days of opening it. Now I don't know about you but when I buy lunch meat from the grocery store it will last a lot longer than 4 days! What is in it that is making its shelf life longer?!?! I don't even want to know. Makes me think twice about the things I buy from my family. So I guess that answers my questions, how different can they be, a guess there is measurable differences. Will I continue to buy non-organic stuff? Will I trek over to completely organic? Completely is a crazy but when I have the choice you better believe it!
 Have a great rest of the night Friends!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Love a Good Productive Day!

Yesterday was a bad day. But today..I got so much done! I was out and on the freeway before 9am this morning, I had things piled on my to-do list and I figured the earlier the better. My first stop was target, man I love that place. For that reason I stay away as much as I can, thank goodness the closest one is like 20 minutes away:) I pulled in and looked back in the back seat, baby was fast asleep. I don't blame her, 9-9-9:30 is her first nap time, usually. Yes, she wakes at 7:30 and goes back down for her first nap that early:) I decided to let her sleep for a little bit, she looked so cozy in her car seat. After all, I had my phone for entertainment. Then I saw a cop pull up behind a car that was in front of mine, parked. This woman cop was taking pictures of the car and then slapped a ticket on the windshield. I thought, perfect free entertainment! I was watching every person that walked by, wondering which was was going to be the lucky owner of this car. About 30 minutes in her she came. She saw the ticket and acted like it was no big deal. No throwing the ticket down, no cussing, the shaking of the head. Man, I thought for sure there would be some reaction from the person. I just wasted 30 minutes of my life! Damn. It wasn't long after that the baby woke up and we got our shopping done. I think shopping puts me in a good mood, retail therapy if you would. I kept to my list and ended up buying one extra thing for myself, a glass water bottle. And I am loving it so far! Next on my list was Best Buy. I was in and out of there in less than 10 minutes! I was on a roll! By then it was 11 and I was starting to get hungry. I wasn't going to do it, but it was calling my name...In n Out! I haven't had it since January. I went through the drive thru and then parked in a shady spot. Let the baby come up in the front seat and we shared lunch. It was GREAT!

When I got home baby had fallen asleep yet again, so I put her in her bed. She slept for a long time. Over and hour and a half. That was enough time for me to unload the car, clean my kitchen, clean my downstairs bathroom, dishes, and two loads of laundry! When I was done I made a Passion Tea Lemonade and used my new water bottle. Man, a lot got done today. The girls have been in the bath for close to an hour, playing and whatnot. A great way to end our night.

Looking forward to tomorrow. We are dying Easter eggs and then we will see where the rest of the day takes us!!!

Have a great rest of the night friends!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Unmotivated and feeling lazy

As I was packing all our stuff up in my car on Sunday to head home from my parents house I came across a small problem. I didn't know how I was going to fit everything in my car. I had a huge hockey bag, a big dog, a big car seat, two kiddos, myself, and my jogger. One was going to have to stay behind. Of course it couldn't be anything that was breathing. So that left a hockey bag or my jogger. T would be needing her hockey bag, plus if I left that it would stay closed up until we were able to come back and get it. Not a good idea to keep wet hockey stuff zipped up in a bag. At home all the hockey stuff gets aired out! So, that left my jogger. There was just no way to jam it in my car. Now, many of you know the close relationship I have with my jogger, we, on most days are best buds. But I knew I would pick it up in a week and I could just get my running in when my husband was home or I could always pack the baby up in the bike trailer, I can get some good cardio in on my bike. Well after I got home and my husband came home the next day he "reminded" me that he was going on a 96  and only had two days off. So much for my running this week! 

 I have never realized how much I rely on running to get the ants of of my pants. And the baby loves her jogger, I know that if she has ants in her pants or is cranky I can strap her in the jogger and before we are at the park (.25 miles away) she is guaranteed to be passed out. Since I haven't ran since Saturday, let me tell you, I am feeling it. I have a bad case of the lazes. Is that even a word?!?! I feel run down, tired, out of it, and just plain blah. What I would do to get a good, long, and tiring run in.  I am really looking forward to getting my jogger back on Saturday but my run may have to be pushed back until Monday. Let me tell you why. I knew my shoes from the mud on Saturday were going to get bad. No biggie to me, I have been complaining about my running shoes for forever. But I have just been too busy to get down to the running center to buy some new ones. Sunday afternoon I used a pressure washer to clean all the mud off and out. I left them outside to dry out and my husband was like, "right now, order some running shoes online, yours are toast!" And that is what I did. This time around I bought a pair of New Balances. I have worn them in the past and liked them. I should have known better to change up my running shoes. Stick to what is comfortable. My new shoes will be arriving in the mail on Monday! Super excited to meet my new friends!

I had a list of things to do today. Errands aren't always fun. I had to go to three places. Target, Best Buy, and the grocery store. I don't mind the first two, but I HATE the grocery store. Everything is just so damn expensive. I always leave looking in the cart and then looking at my receipt and just shaking my head. I knew I HAD to do these things, but I was just so unmotivated today. Plus, the laundry has been piling up higher and higher and I am down to the bare minimums. Everywhere I look seemed to see piles of stuff, clothes, toys, mail, dishes..etc. Does it ever end?!?!?! It is almost like I need a swift kick in the pants to get my crap done around my house. Oh, and to top it off my baby has been sick. Snotty, junky cough, and cranky! She is super clingy, wants to nurse ALL the time, and wants nothing to do with sleeping in her bed. When it rains it pours, right?

I know what this mama needs.....see below:)

Here is to hoping my girls go to bed soon...very very VERY soon!!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Weekend of Getting Dirty!

So if you don't know then here is my story of a very dirty, yet fun, weekend!

A couple of months ago I saw something, somewhere about a mud run that is held in Irvine every year. I never do anything for myself anymore, my life is all about my kiddos and my husband, I'm ok with it. But I thought a mud run looked like a fun time. At first I asked my husband to do it, he gave me a, "yeah right," and then I asked my sister in law if her and her husband wanted to do it. Again, another pass. I then asked my sister who I was pretty sure would be brave and run this thing with me. I was right, she quickly agreed and a start of a team was beginning to form! I asked my fellow hockey moms and 2 out of the many were in:) I just need a solid 4 girls to do it to have a team. I quickly signed us up knowing that if I signed up there was no way that I could back out. Once I paid I was committed! I was so excited! I was actually going to do something for myself, just be and some of my best girls.

So many of you know I have been running. I didn't want to gas out within a couple minutes of the run. I have been pushing myself, and running on days where I would much rather sit in my pajamas and relax instead. Man, was I glad that I brought up my endurance!

Race morning came before I knew it. We got to the park where it was being held and it was a chilly morning. No sun. Cold. I was wishing for at least a little sunshine. We lined up and off we went. Not even 2 minutes into the race we had to go into a huge mud pool. I was like , "here it goes!!" I was determined to run most of it, and I did, I ran probably 90% of the race. I pushed myself harder than I ever had. We went through mud pools, under cargo nets, down muddy hills, across mud pits. It was great! The one thing that surprised me was the personal satisfaction I got when I passed someone. I know that sounds totally mean, but I think the inner competitor came out in me. It was like little victories after I passed each person. What a feeling!

We finished the race in I think a decent time, the run was almost 4 miles. It was a lot of fun and I would love to do it again! T says that she wants to run it with me next year, I hope she does. What a fun time that would be for us to do it together. I also had a great time running it with my sister, I was so proud of her for doing it, bum knee and all!

Proud of myself for saying that I am going to do something and actually following through with it and doing it!!!

On Sunday we spent the day at my parents house. The sun was out  and we spent most of our day sitting out in it, relaxing and whatnot. My dad stopped the ice cream man for the girls of course. T opted for a Jolly Rancher Popsicle and we bought E a Dora ice cream! Great way to end our weekend of fun!

Have a great rest of the night Friends!!!