Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I feel So Lucky...

    So lucky to have great friends! We hardly ever get houseguests since we live out in the boonies, so when we do we are always over excited! Our good friends Duston and Ashley we taking family pictures up in Oak Glen and we are right below Oak Glen, so they were going to stop by and we were going to watch the Boston Bruins game, which sadly they lost, and eat pizza and let all the kiddos play. Between our two families there were 6 kids! The two babies, Bentley and our E play so good together, we have playdates every couple weeks so they are buds:)
    We gobbled up the pizzas and the two dads drank up the beer, the two mamas just sat, chatted, and watched the babies play.  After they left the husband and I were saying how nice it was to have friends over. Hopefully they come back sooner than later! Good friends are hard to find so hold on to the good ones!!!

   Have a great rest of the night Friends!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Had a Great Birthday!

    I think as you get older birthdays aren't the same as when you were kids. There is no big celebrations, no parties, and no birthday cakes. Today was my 32nd birthday and it came and went, like any other day. My little one still is not sleeping well so I woke up this morning in a fog, wanting to hit snooze instead of getting out of bed. But I knew even my birthday wasn't going to stop me from getting my run in! I tried out my new Nike Running Jacket and running capris, LOVE THEM! My jacket is so light weight but kept me warm enough but not hot. It was great! It was chilly willy out there this morning too, I think since there was a little bit of a breeze it seemed colder than it really was. Anyway, I got my run in and was super excited to have it done before 9 am.
    All I wanted really for my birthday was a jacket, I need one for the ice rink. A comfortable one that wasn't too big but warm enough to withstand the chilly ice rink. My husband took me to Sports Chalet and the search was on. I zeroed in on a black one with a hood and it fit me like a  glove! I was so happy because all weekend I have been trying on jackets and all were put back on the rack due to my picky-ness! I can't wait to wear it:)
    We then went to lunch to my favorite place here in our little town, The Kopper Kettle, it is family owned and everything is homemade, from their pies to their breads. My favorite is their Turkey Cobb Sandwich on Homemade White Bread. So good! My husband opted for a bunch menu item and went with the Turkey, Spinach, Cheese, and Tomato Omlette. We shared our lunches with Baby and we all left with happy full tummies.
    The rest of the day was spent sitting on the couch relaxing with the family, there was a Boston Bruins game on, which they killed the Pens! A great way to end my birthday day! Now off to put the baby in the bath and then hopefully off to bed sooner than later!

Have a great night Friends!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Great Birthday Weekend!

    My birthday isn't until tomorrow but I started out my birthday weekend down at my parents house. My sister had her birthday last month and mine is tomorrow so we celebrated together yesterday. My parents usually take us out to dinner, but as I get older I just want a homemade meal from my mom:) My sister wanted Fried Rice, and I wanted my mom's Fried Wontons! Afterwards she made a homemade Peach Cobbler, it was my Grandma's recipe so it was extra special. My mom NEVER bakes so I was pretty excited about how wonderful it came out! Here are some pics from yesterday!
We stopped at MC Donalds on the way down, my husband was on duty so it I hate making a big pot of coffee for one cup. I got a Vanilla Latte and T got a Peppermint Hot Chocolate! Our pretty Penny too!

E just stared at the doggies outside, that is my mom and dad's pug, Lucy and our yellow lab, Penny. These two are the best of friends!

Grammy bought T some Christmas jammies!

See how excited my sister was about her birthday dinner!

It was a meal fit for a king, or queen in our instance!

Mmom also took me shopping and I f=got a Nike Running jacket that I have been waning, some running capris, two sweaters and smelly wickless candle! It was a great day. A great , great day!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Busy Day!

    As my husband was leaving for work this morning at 6:30 am, he kissed me good-bye and said,"Oh yeah, by the way, the power is out." I was thinking, now I know why it is so freaking cold in our house! I knew that getting my girls out of bed was going to be drama cause it was so cold, but at 7:00, a 1/2 hour before I wake up T, the power kicks on. That was a close one! The heater ran for a good 10 minutes, I am telling you this house was so cold.

    The morning went well and Mama and Baby got some Christmas shopping done! I did however buy baby some much needed shoes. She is now what I would consider a walker. no, not the Zombie kind, but a little human walker:) I took her to Stride Rite I knew that her first pair should be a good pair since she will be basically learning how to walk in shoes. It was so cute, the sales lady had her stand and she measured her foot, E looked so big! We tried on a couple differnt shoes and decided on a cute little brown and pink leather Mary Jane type. I can't get over that my baby got her first pair of shoes!

    We actually did some damage today, and got to cross some things off our list. I love shopping when you find everything you need. Plus the mall was not very crowded so that made it more enjoyable.

    We ended our night by grabbing something to eat and are now winding down for the night. Well, Mama is trying to wind down anyway, can't say as much for this little one! She loves playing in the clothes basket, usually she stands at it and tosses clothes over her shoulder, tonight she just wants to be in the basket! Crazy kid:)
Have a great Friday night Friends, until next time!