Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween and a Husband's Point of View

Chalk up another Halloween over! Time has flown by. Every year the Freestones do everything on Halloween Day. I always tell myself I will decorate the house early, we will carve pumpkins early..yeah those things never happens. I guess life seems to get in the way:) We went over to the pumpkin patch this morning around 10. There were tons of people there! mainly kids from schools, there had to of been 20 school buses in the parking lot. We picked our pumpkins, we had specific instructions from Tay that her pumpkin had to be big and then she also wanted a tiny one to go with it. I knew her wheels were turning, on what she was going to do. I love a child's creative mind! My husband wanted to stop at the Halloween store on the way back to pick up some spider webbing.  I dropped him and the baby and I went over to Subway to grab lunch. As I swung back to pick him up he had both arms full of stuff. He got in the car and says, yeah I know, I was like a kid in a candy shop! I just couldn't help myself! He had signs, to window decals, to caution tape, glow sticks and more. He loves Halloween:)
As soon as Tay got home we were decorating the house. It actually came out great! Wish I would've snapped a picture. After decorating was done, it was pumpkin carving time! I carved one, Tay carved one and Em drew on hers. 

Then for the first time ever, we roasted pumpkin seeds! My husband did all the seasoning, they turned out great!
Soon after that it was time to get the girls dressed in their costumes and then off to our friend Tammy's house. Her daughter and Tay are best friends, have been since Kindergarten, and every year we go over to her house. She cooks and we eat and chat, the guys drink beers and then we take the girls trick-or-treating. It was another great time, great food, and great friends. So thankful for friends like we have!

This year both girls dressed up as monsters, which to me was so SO CUTE! My husband was a hot dog and I was the mustard. We actually got a lot of compliments, people thought our combo was cute. He had this ski mask on, I have no idea why. Scary wiener I told him! Em actually went up to houses and got candy, but then would just put it in Tay's candy basket. They both had a great time!

Lastly, I have been away from social media for about 2 weeks now. I am liking it. I was talking to my husband about it today. I was talking to him about IG and how I didn't want people to know where we were and what we were doing all the time, although I loved posting pictures. He is not a Facebooker nor a IGer, but said, it's not about where we are, it is about where we've been.

I love him.

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