Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Boston Day #14

We woke up so sad to leave. We spent the morning cleaning up the apartment and packing up our suitcases. We had to check out by 11, but our flight didn't even leave until 5:50! We surely couldn't drag all of our bags around Boston until it was time to go to airport. Thankfully the people who rent out of apartments have a main building that would hold our bags until we went to the airport. 
After we dropped our bags we went to lunch and walked around the Prudential Mall. Ate lunch, walked around, and just tried to kill time. The day seemed to just drag on. I think we were all just burnt out and tired. 
Finally it was time to go grab our bags and make way to the airport. Our taxi driver was awesome, he played hockey and his son who was Tay's age played as well! It was pretty cool. 
By the time we got to the airport we had just enough time to get food and get on the plane. It was a long 6 hour flight, Em was good for the most part but was pretty wiggly at times. To be expected, she's 2! She finally fell asleep during our final decent into LA, Murphy's Law, right?!?! We caught our shuttle and we on our way home. Got home around 11:30. Exhausted and bummed about being back in Cali, but all things must come to an end! 
Hope all of you enjoyed reading about my family's Boston adventures:) 

I will MISS DD so much!!! 

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