Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Last Month of Freestone Doings.

Almost been a month since I last had a chance to sit and write. How sad is that, that I haven't had any time to sit and catch my breath it seems like! We have been busy, not with so much activities but just busy with life in general. Let me see if I can catch you all up:

This was taken after a day of dying eggs and egg hunting! How sweet are they?!?!
Easter came and went and the weather was sunny out a little on the chilly side. A little bit of a bummer but at least it wasn't raining. Cory always seems to work on Easter so we always go down to my parents. We dye eggs and the girls have an Easter Egg hunt out in their backyard. They always have a couple golden eggs filled with money. Em hasn't caught on the the golden egg concept, so Tay always ends up with the big loot:) Em is just so rough, she was throwing the eggs in the dye cups, there is no being gentle in her body. My Tay was and is always nice and gentle, not wanting to spill anything. Making sure her eggs are handled with care. The baby, she could care less! It is so funny the opposites between the two girls. We BBQ'ed and just had a nice day together. 

I have also been bumping up my exercise routine. The baby and I go out at least 5 mornings a week. I have pushed myself harder than I ever have and making myself get out there. I have read all kinds of articles about staying motivated and how to keep going, all of them said that if you make your exercise part of your daily routine it makes it easier. You don't even think about it, you just go it. I wish I was a better runner. Running is so hard for me.I feel like I'm awkward and that I am out of breath and my lungs are on fire after just a coupe of minutes! But, I have pushed through, it is getting better, I wouldn't say easier, but better. I can now go around 25 minutes straight. I did one morning go 30 minutes! But I have yet to be able to do it again. I will though. I have good days and bad days, I think that is normal. No matter what, something is better than nothing. I have been working out and eating right for over a month now. Sadly, I have yet to see any physical change. A little, well actually a lot, of a bummer. However, this is when I would stop and say, forget it. I'm done. Eating right and killing myself running and exercising I guess isn't for me. But I am trying to push through and I keep telling myself it will happen. Your body WILL change! It is just a matter of time. I try not to get down on myself when I get on that scale every Monday morning and the number is still the same. It is not going up, so I guess I will take that as a win, right?? The baby usually sleeps while I have her in the jogger and then when I am done I take her to her little park playground. She loves it and I burn the last of my workout calories playing with her. Win win!

We were sitting in the living room one night, the baby was on the floor coloring with her new paint marker type things that the Easter Bunny brought. She was so excited to show us what she had made, she held it up all proud!

The rest of the pics are just random doings. We have a lot of fun around our house!

Yep, this is how I found her! Hahaha!
You know my girl is still kicking booty on the ice! She's such a hardworker out there!
Love my tough girl!

So strong!
 Last week we were down at my parents house and both the girls wanted to help my Dad outside. Em loves to water stuff! And Tay help spread some grass seed!

Well, you all are now up to date! Like I said, it as been crazy busy around here. I actually had to take 3 breaks while writing this. I have to write in spurts, a mom is always needed! I have a baby trying to crawl all over me right now as I try to say good-bye! Hahaha!

Have a great day, Friends!

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