Since Spring Break is over and T had to go back to school today this is the first time I have had a chunk of time to sit and write. I'm not guarenteeing just how long this chunk of time will be, my baby is occupied at the moment trying to write. Yes, write. She uses both hands, doesn't favor one or the other, I am anxious to see which she will end up being. A righty like Mama and Daddy, or a lefty like Sissy and Grammy. Time will tell. Currently sitting in her crib talking and doodling away.
We spent most of our Spring Break at the hockey rink. Tay had four lessons on top of two practices a week. She also squeezed in a day at Knott's Berry Farm, a day at my parents, a couple sleepovers, and crafting, lots and lots of crafting! Here are some pictures to catch you up on our last two weeks:
Weather was great for a couple bike rides with the girls! |
Love my bike! |
Taking a break from the freezing ice rink |
She loved this little car:) |
Jumping off the tower! |
Sissy on the big slide! |
Mama and my big girl!! |
In the jump house! |
At Knotts, very brave girl! |
Eating steamed green beans, she loved them! |
Park Fun! |
At my parents house, enjoying some sun. |
Papa taking the girls for a walk, they always do this when we go over there! |
More park fun! |
Catching some sun before heading into the cold rink! |
Freezing Mama! |
Helping her friend take off her skates.. |
We ate dinner out in the truck of my car, it was too cold to eat inside the ice rink. |
Pizza lunch on St. Patty's day, check out her festive shirt! |
Mama's Little Graocery Shopping Helper! Carried the list and everything! |
Treats! |
Sissy was eyeballing Sissy's cookie! |
Snowed all day for the past two days! |
We loved it! |
I was sad as we sat down to watch tv together lastnight as a family. From 8-9 is family tv time. Just to turn the lights down, and to wind down the last hour before bedtime. The new series on the Discovery channel started called, Frozen Planet. We had seen previews and it talked about how it was going to be a "family" show and in HD it was going to look awesome. T loves all things like this so we were excited to get baths and whatnot done and sit down to watch. Lights went down, everyone got in their comfy spot, glasses of water, a little snack and we were ready. It started off when the polar bears. Love the polar bears. They remind me of our yellow lab, Penny. It starts showing a single one walking along in this huge spread of nothing but white, snow as far as you could see. This was starting out great! Then they start talking about how he wants to find a mate. I'm thinking, ok, he is going to find a female and then this being a "family" show like it had claimed, we weren't going to have to worry about seeing polar bears do their thing. The next thing I knew they were humping!!!! It was quick, like less than 3 seconds but it seemed like forever! I looked at my husband and I was like WTF? We kinda just played it off and I think he said something to the effect of, where they fighting? I was mortified, and was like, really? Really??!! We can't even watch a show as a family about nature and now I have to worry about the rest of the show! I was so irratated that I almost didn't want to watch the rest of the show, do I have to preview it before I let her watch? I may just have to.
That is all for now, I have to get going, I need to get a jog in before T gets out of school in an hour.
Have a great rest of the day Friends!!
WOW how did 2 weeks go by so fast???? Great family fun though. WTH??? with that show