Doesn't every mama have these? Days that are great and then days where you just wanna crawl into a hole and hide for a bit? Yesterday and today I have had them both......waaaa!
We had hockey last night from 5:15-6:15 and then were going to dinner and had to hit the mall too. By the time we sat down to eat it was close to 7:00. Now, all of you are well aware that my girls are usually bathing at this time. Plus, all you other moms out there know that with little ones, staying on a schedule is pretty important. SO when our food didn't get to our table until almost 30 minutes later I was ready to throw in the towel. My baby has started in the last couple weeks to have ants in her little pants! And of course the moms are usually the ones that have to walk the baby outside or around the restaurants while everyone else at the table goes right on eating their dinner. I have complained/talked/vented about this in the past. After the nightmare of a dinner (for me) we walked over to the mall. My husband took his sister in to shop for some clothes, she is starting a new job and needed a couple things. I was in charge of the baby, no surprise there, right? She didn't want to stay in her stroller, she wanted to run around the store tearing up the place. I didn't let her mess up the store, I am not one of the those parents that lets their kiddos run free in the store leaving a trail of destruction behind. So I thought, hey I'll take her to the outside area she can run around. Run, is what she did. I was chasing her. I must have looked like a crazy person. What seemed like forever, was probably only 20 minutes I was almost at my wits end! A whining baby plus my other kiddo was now whining too, talk about double whammy! I kept going in the store asking, what was taking them so long?!?! The store was so hot I think I was sweating, or maybe it was just a combination of two cranky kids and a mom who needed to get out of this mall.....finally after forever we got out of there. Thankfully the baby fell instantly asleep in the car. But the quiet was short lived when T realized that she left her iPod at the restaurant, really her dad grabbed it but didn't tell her until we got home. So we had to suffer from a case of a crying, sobbing, loud 9 year old cryer...all the way home. I was never so excited to get home and end my day. It was one that I hope I never have to repeat. Note to self...never take two tired children to the mall, it never is a pleasant experience. Save yourself some gray hairs. This was my low.
On to my high! It is 7:22, hockey is over with, girls are bathed, homework is done, and dinner is consumed! I call that a complete success! I am hoping to get to bed early tonight, like 9:00 or earlier:)
Have a great rest of the night Friends!!
Little Stinker! |
Loving this new creamer! |
Watching Dora:) |
So proud of my little hockey player! |
Dad was out there too! |
The calm before the storm! |
oh my yes i have those days - more then I like to admit or EXPERIENCE. the good thing is they are short lived in the memory bank (until the next time).
ReplyDeleteBreath :)
Thanks for that Friend! Yes, agreed that the lows are really short lived and the highs are long lasting!