Tomorrow is already Thursday! Love that the weekend is near. Today started off quietly but then from noon until just now, almost 9:00 at night, it has been non stop. My morning went well. The baby woke up and wanted to nurse so she was up and then fell back asleep for another hour and a half. That was ok though because I drank two cups of coffee and caught up on two of my shows that were on my DVR. The Bachelor and The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Anyone else get sucked into either of these shows?!
Such a cutie! |
Are these women for real?
I felt so bad for him after he proposed to Ashley and was denied. But I really liked JP for her, plus I thought JP looked like my husband:)
As for the Housewives, I just can't believe just how much money these people have! These huge houses, fancy cars, and the way they dress. I don't think I'd fit in with that crowd.
After her nap we shared a late breakfast/early lunch. She loves yogurt! This morning it was plain yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, and red seedless grapes, she gobbled it up! I mean, look at her, see how happy she is:)

Soon after we at it was already noon and I still had to make it down to Target and get back before T got out of school. I hate being rushed anywhere, Target especially. I am one of those Target shoppers that likes to look at many of the departments for deals and what not. I also like to always take a look over the clearance sections, who doesn't like a deal?!?!? As soon as we got home it was time to pick up T where she changed her clothes, rested for a little bit and we were off in the car again to get to hockey practice by 4:30. She practiced from 5-6:30. It was almost 8:00 by the time we got home. We picked up meals from Fresh and Easy so dinner was a no brainer tonight. Both grabbed an easy pasta dish, E loves pasta, I mean look at the pics below:) My husband scarfed down his spaghetti and meatballs and was out the door to get to his hockey practice that started at 9:30. T practiced in Ontario, husband went to Riverside. Soon after dinner was over I got both girls in the bath and am now letting the baby play while I type away. I am hoping T is already asleep in bed and that E is getting sleepy cause I know I am! My plan for the rest of the night? Reading while I feed baby and then after she falls asleep I will read until my eyes hurt. I am reading, The Lovely Bones. I am about 100 pages in and I still don't know what I think about it just yet. Everyone that has read it says that it is a great book, so I am looking forward to it getting good.

I love Luna bars and I think I may have just found my new favorite one! Someone on my Instagram posted a picture of these peppermint ones and I was like, "Oh man I have to try these!" But I thought they are probably seasonal and I will just have to wait until next Christmas. I was super excited when I found them at Target, I grabbed two and couldn't wait to rip one open. Well, the verdict is in...these aren't just great, they are...AWESOME! I may have to buy more..soon! The cool thing is that T liked them too and they are full of great things, so it may be something she can eat before she plays hockey! We shall try them out for her:)
Well, I think I am going to try to get the baby to sleep, this mama is ready to turn the lights down and relax! It has been a busy, long, and eventful Wednesday. have a great rest of the night Friends!
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