Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Daily Routine.

I feel like the baby does well when things are on a routine. It is sometimes hard since we are so busy with hockey and whatnot, so I try to make her day routine as routine as possible. Since she has been born she always wakes up between 7:30-8:00. Not too bad! On the weekends of we have a chance this little one will sleep until after 9 if I let her. But M-F she wakes between that time. We take sister to school and then I get my coffee and we sit with the Boppy and she nurses while I drink my coffee. This is when she takes her morning nap. Usually about an hour or so, sometimes it goes even longer. It is nice though because this is when I get to drink my coffee and catch up on my DVR. After she wakes I make us breakfast. Eggs, yogurt, bananas, or Cheerios. Then comes playtime! By then my breakfast has settled enough and we go to the park! She has been loving the park! I run/walk for about 30-45 minutes and then it is her time to enjoy the park. I usually find a nice spot and she just runs around and pulls the grass. Sometimes I stop off at the playground for a little swinging session, she loves to swing. It is a nice time to be outside together and just let her enjoy Mother Nature. It has been so nice here, perfect park weather!
Blueberry Pear and Baby Rice! Yum!

She still loves her pouches!


Mmmmmm Starbucks:)

Silly Girl! She pushed my Jogger all over the place!

We were at the park for about an hour and a half, picked up T and were on our way home! Baby always takes a pretty good afternoon nap. She napped, I snacked! Haha, like my little rhyme!! 
Gotta Love Fresh and Easy!
The rest of my afternoon consisted of homework helping, more playing, and then dinner making. After dinner we played the Kinect until 7:15 and then it was bathtime. I ALWAYS put the girls in the bath between 7-7:30 at the latest. Another daily routine. They like to bathe together, which I think is so cute:) Lights are out around 9. I love going to bed early. I don't get to sleep in so going to bed early works for me. And then it is up and at 'em the next day!

Do you have a daily routine?!?!

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