I feel like the baby does well when things are on a routine. It is sometimes hard since we are so busy with hockey and whatnot, so I try to make her day routine as routine as possible. Since she has been born she always wakes up between 7:30-8:00. Not too bad! On the weekends of we have a chance this little one will sleep until after 9 if I let her. But M-F she wakes between that time. We take sister to school and then I get my coffee and we sit with the Boppy and she nurses while I drink my coffee. This is when she takes her morning nap. Usually about an hour or so, sometimes it goes even longer. It is nice though because this is when I get to drink my coffee and catch up on my DVR. After she wakes I make us breakfast. Eggs, yogurt, bananas, or Cheerios. Then comes playtime! By then my breakfast has settled enough and we go to the park! She has been loving the park! I run/walk for about 30-45 minutes and then it is her time to enjoy the park. I usually find a nice spot and she just runs around and pulls the grass. Sometimes I stop off at the playground for a little swinging session, she loves to swing. It is a nice time to be outside together and just let her enjoy Mother Nature. It has been so nice here, perfect park weather!
Blueberry Pear and Baby Rice! Yum! |
She still loves her pouches! |
Playtime...... |
Mmmmmm Starbucks:) |
Silly Girl! She pushed my Jogger all over the place! |
Hahaha! |
We were at the park for about an hour and a half, picked up T and were on our way home! Baby always takes a pretty good afternoon nap. She napped, I snacked! Haha, like my little rhyme!!
Gotta Love Fresh and Easy! |
The rest of my afternoon consisted of homework helping, more playing, and then dinner making. After dinner we played the Kinect until 7:15 and then it was bathtime. I ALWAYS put the girls in the bath between 7-7:30 at the latest. Another daily routine. They like to bathe together, which I think is so cute:) Lights are out around 9. I love going to bed early. I don't get to sleep in so going to bed early works for me. And then it is up and at 'em the next day!
Do you have a daily routine?!?!
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