It is hard to believe that our baby is already a year old. I feel like I just had her, but I still fell like I had T, and that was 9 years ago! Time just flies by when you are having fun I guess:) I woke up and looked over and saw the sweetest sleeping baby ever. Baby falls asleep in her own bed but makes her way into our bed halfway through the night. I mean, how can one not love waking up next to this....

I felt bad that I was going to have to wake this baby, but she had an early morning doctors appointment with her doctor, Dr. Hill. We love love love Dr. Hill! She had her 12 month check up to go to. She was a little on the grumpy side when I woke her up, I would be too if I was sleeping as soundly and peacefully as she was, but was fine after a morning nursing session with Mama:) She was hamming it up in the waiting room! Waving to everyone, this is something that she has just mastered and waves at everyone! She was even entertaining them with a little dancing to the waiting room music, I'm telling you..HAM! We finally got called in a she even got to stand on the big scale. No more baby scale for her! 17.4 pounds! That is 1 pound more than when we were in there at her 9 month appointment. They measured her, 27 1/2 inches, 2 inches taller too! What a big girl she is getting to be! Dr. Hill walked in and did her exam, says she looks perfect, I already knew she was! She even wanted him to hold her! How cute was that!!! He said to keep doing what we are doing she is growing well and is healthy and happy! Love doctor appointments like this one.

I had a target errand to run and thought it was a good idea to get it done early. I needed laundry soap, my Tazo Tea, Lemonade, and stuff for dinner. We have a Super Target at ours so we can pick up groceries as well. I picked up a whole chicken that I was going to shred for dinner. You know buying a whole chicken is way cheaper than buying chicken pieces?!?! I bought an entire chicken for just over $5! I also picked up some mushrooms, that were on sale, whoop whoop, score! Some spinach and some sauce. It was nice that I could get everything here and not have to make two stops.
I think I have a problem when it comes to pasta....I LOVE it! I seriously could eat it every night for dinner. I try to only do it once a week though, I know it isn't the best choice when trying to slim down. I made one of my favorite pasta dinners. Penne, mushrooms, spinach, chicken, garlic, and sauce. We love spinach and mushrooms in this house. I use them both a lot. Spinach is just full of all kinds of great things, so I add it whenever possible.
Got to add a little bit of cheese! Overall, a success! Everyone loved it, baby included:) I think it is a 50/50 healthy meal...spinach, mushrooms, chicken..healthy. Pasta..not so healthy. Moderation, all in moderation. That's what I keep telling myself anyway:)
Alright Friends, I am off to enjoy to beautiful Cali weather, really almost 80 degrees in January?!?!