I let Tay sleep in an little bit today, knowing we stayed up a little late reading. We started reading books again together last night, something that Tay and I have always done and loved, but with the baby it has been a little tougher. The book we started reading was so good that we couldn't stop and before we knew it we had been reading for almost an hour! I only let her sleep an extra 10 minutes or so, but hey 10 minutes is 10 minutes, right?! I woke her like I do every morning and then went to go get ready myself. I hear her coming down the hall, and you guessed it, she was crying. Today was something different though, today was," I can't go to school because my stomach hurts and I have a cramp." This is nothing new to me, she has used this excuse before. She was being overly dramatic and I took a deep breath and said, "you are going to school," I was nice but very firm. Can that even be a combo? Ha! I continued to do what I needed to do and said that I would meet her downstairs. Still crying 10 minutes later about this cramp I told her that I would give her some medicine to help her stomach feel better. We have a prescription for Donnatal. It is for upset stomachs and also has a little bit of anti-anxiety meds in it. I only use it when it is absolutely necessary, today was a necessary day. She took it and 5 minutes later we were out the door. All the way there, there were tears. I talked to her about stuff, tried to keep her mind off her nervousness, I held her hand, I talked to her about how sad Mama gets that she's sad. We got to school, we said our good-byes and there she went to her class, tears streaming down her face. I wish I could say that today was better but I think it was a step down from yesterday. She started telling me she couldn't do it and started breathing all fast. I told her that she was going to make herself pass out so she needed to knock it off. I left feeling defeated and was trying to think of ways that I can approach it differently. I know that this will eventually go away I just wish she could wrap her head around the whole issue and just stop. Hoping tomorrow will be a better morning.
After school she was like a different kid. Talking about how she is going to do a state report this year and she picked Massachusetts. Super excited to talk about the Boston Bruins and Boston University, where she wants to go to college. Setting her dreams high! I like that! She was saying that they are learning about where the states are and I told her how I learned where all the states were located, a USA Map Puzzle. You know the one with the little red knobs on the pieces? That is the way I learned so I have to go find one, I'm sure it won't be too hard to track one down. When we got home she wanted to sit down with Em and watch The Lorax, again. They both love that movie. Here are some pictures of their little movie on the couch date!
She went and got her blanket, climbed up on the couch and snuggled up in it! |
How cute are these two?!?! |
Have a great rest of the night Friends!!
Super cute!!! Getting so big so fast!