Monday, April 16, 2012

Been a little out of it...

Sorry, I have been a little out of the loop lately. As of last Wednesday I was elected Team Mom for my daughter's hockey team, or Team Manager as some call it. I think Team Mom suits be better, Team Manager sounds so offical. My husband and I have teamed up on this since he works closely with the coach and is a regular on the bench with him, and I am amongst all the other hockey moms and we all get along great. The worker bee I am I have been probably  going over and beyond my duties these last couple days, but have gotten a lot of positive feed back from the parents that they are so thankful that I am taking over. I have spent the last couple of days sending out emails, answering emails, and trying to be the clear commication between frustrated parents and coaches. I feel like I can do a good job. So, if they like me they will ask me to do it another season so we will see. So far I am liking it and feel like I am getting the team organized and on the right path. We have a great group of girls this season and I see full potential.
On another note, the sunny weather is back! It was so warm today, it was great! Baby E and I spent about an hour outside, must have tired her out because when we came back in she slept for over 2 hours! About an hour into her nap I decided to lay down too. I NEVER EVER nap, but to avoid the 4 o'clock crash I decided to just try and be preventative. I slept/rested for about and hour and felt great! No late afternoon crash, and no late afternoon coffee was needed. Hoping I can still get to sleep at a decent time tonight, I actually feel tired right now. That is a good sign.
Well, I am off to watch a little tv and try to get both my girls to sleep. Have a great night everyone!!! Some pictures of our last couple of days....
New Loospy Dolls, great for little hands!

Mama and her pretty girls!

Loves her Dora!

Yogurt Face!

A blankie and an empty juice

Just up from her nap....

Best Buds!
And two videos.....
 This one makes me lugh because she just discovered ketscup! Every bite of french fry has to be dipped!!!

This one is of her running around like a crazy kid lastnight!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love catching up with your babies via this blog.You are an amazing mother!

    Please take a look at this for me.
