Finally, I get time to sit and blog. It feels like forever since I have had a chance to catch up! It seems like when my husband is home I get less time to sit at my computer. So here is my catch up type of entry...
So, for those of you on Instagram you know that the #febphotoaday has been going around. I decided to jump on the bandwagon, I mean everyone is doing it, right? The peer pressure:)
I will post the pictures here also for you to follow along. If you are not on it now!
Day 1. Your view today:
The view of our community park, I jog, baby sleeps!
Day 2. Words:
T is going to Disneyland next week for a job well done at her hockey tournament! |
Day 3. Hands:
My hand as I push the jogger, yes, with a sleeping baby!
So what else have the Freestone's been up to? A lot of playtime! E hasn't been napping very well, I am sure it is because she doesn't want to miss anything! She is so nosey:) She will sleep here and there, but no long naps. I guess I am ok with that since she still goes to bed at a decent time. Here are my pics to bring you up to date today...enjoy!
In and out. In and out. |
Getting so big! |
At Sissy's hockey practice... |
I got some great coupons in the mail from target for pouches...she loves pouches! |
Chowin down! |
My lunch. Salad and French Onion Soup! |
Penny and this cat up on the fence, bark and stare in the afternoons! |
Love these! |
Salsa making time! |
All randon photos from the past couple of days! Until later....
Our kids LOVE the veggie version of the squeezables! We buy them for snacks all the time!!!