My husband and I have never really celebrated this day, other than the classic, "Happy Valentine's Day," said to eachother. I have never been to big on 1 day out of 365 days to let a person know that you love them. So I was not surprised, upset, or felt unloved when my husband didn't buy me anything. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't love something on this day, but I'm not all down in the dumps about it!
My day started out great due to the fact that my husband made the coffee before he left the house so I didn't have to make it. It was ready and waiting for me! He also knows that I like the creamer to sit out for a little while before I add it to my coffee, I don't like cold creamer added to my cup, makes the coffee too cold for my liking. It's the little things like that, that show me how he listens and knows what I like. Something as simple as leaving the creamer out for me:)
I took T to school and was happy to pour my coffee and sit down and watch the episode from lastnight's Bachelor. The baby always plays or nurses and falls asleep while I drink my coffee and/or catch up on my recorded shows. This morning she chose to play, and play quietly...I'm spoiled, I know. The Bachelor... what an idiot! For any of you that watch this show, I am sure you were screaming at the rose ceremony as was I. This show must be fixed for ratings, right?!?! I mean why else would he have done what he did??? Midway through my show the baby wanted to come up on the couch and sit next to me, not 10 minutes later she was asleep! Fell asleep on her own, she must have been tired. She slept for a good hour and a half next to me. It was great!
It was another chilly day but I knew I had to get my run in. Around 11 the sun seemed to be coming out so I decided to take advantage of what little warmth the sun would bring and get my excersise in. It was COLD! I even wore gloves! The wrapped the baby in a blanket and put a hat on her as well. Don't worry, she was warm! I knew I had to get my legs moving and my heat rate up to get me warmed up, so I walked and then ran, I ran for a good 10 minutes before I stopped. May not be very long for many of you, but I am NOT a runner. In fact, I hate running. I always feel like I suck so bad at it. However, I know that running is good for me and that running is what will help me to lose my extra pounds I would like to shed. My question to all you runners and worker-outters, what keeps you motivated? I've tried putting up a skinny picture of me, I've tried buying myself nice work out clothes and nice pretty running shoes, setting reminders, organizing a running coach with Nike, I mean I don't know why I have such a hard time staying motivated to get out there and do it. I will get out and run/walk M-F. But I wish I did more running than walking. I want to be able to go out and run a couple miles without stopping. I was an athlete all my life until I was about 22. What happened to that person? She's in there, somewhere. I mean T and my husband are super fit, play hockey a couple times a week. My husband is Mr. Fitness, that is what I call him. He goes, "yeah, I run a 5k on the treadmill at work ever shift." I wish I could just do that. My goal is, and this may seem nerdy, but I want to be able to go out with my husband and run together. I want to be able to keep up with him and just spend sometime outside, running. I know, sounds like such a dumb thing to want to do with your husband, but that is what I want to do.
Maybe I should print these out.......
Any suggestions??
Sweaty mess.... |
#febphotoaday Day 14. Hearts: T made me this for Valentine's Day! How CUTE is she??!!!