Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It was a beautiful day outside today!

I woke up this morning to my alarm but had to hit snooze, it was a long night! Up late catching up on the DVR plus a nursing baby who must be going through a crazy growth spurt equals mama getting little sleep:( But I threw on my workout clothes and tied my Nike's on anyway, I knew that once I got outisde my mood would change from wanting to crawl back under the covers with my husband, to, so glad I got out and started my day off right! By the time I got T to school I was glad that I had changed into my workout gear. I am trying to be more of a morning worker outter, it is a very nice feeling when I am done knowing that my workout is over and done with and I don't have to think about it for the rest of the day! I used to take T to school come home, drink my coffee, catch up on my recoreded shows and them workout. But like I said before, I am trying to get my sweat on early on in the morning. Haha, I made a little rhyme!

Week 1 Day 2: My calves were a little sore today when I woke up and my upper back. I knew my calves were sore due to my area I run in being hilly and I was charging up some of them yesterday, my upper back I think is from gripping my jogger? That is what I am guessing anyway. Even though I was sore I knew I had to get my run in. My husband swears that when you are sore you workout harder and you feel stronger. I'll keep that in mind and see if it holds true:) According to my workout app it said that you should only run 3 times a week, so every other day. But I knew I had to get a light jog in. So I lightly jogged and walked for my 30 minutes and then I head home. I was glad I got out though, the park was beautiful! A lot of people were walking/running today. Everyone was so friendly, saying Good Morning as we passed eachother. Man, I love my community!!

The rest of my day consisted of playing with little E, she is a busy bee! Thankfully she has taken good naps today so I was able to load the dishwasher and pick up a little. I had a couple of errands to run, so me and baby went out to Staples, the library, and then to the grocery store. By my huband's request I am making Chicken Fried Rice, funny thing is though, it isn't fried at all. I steam broccoli and carrots, bake chicken that's marinated in this Hawaiian sauce, scramble an egg and chop a green onion and mix it up with some Jasmine rice! My hunny loves it! Makes great leftovers for lunch too:)

Have a great rest of the night Friends!

1 comment:

  1. Good job!! Keep up all of the great work! Also, thanks for the great meal idea sounds yummy :)
